
AWeb-II   3.3

The Amiga Web Browser!

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Introduction Some general notes about AWeb
Legal issues Copyright, disclaimer
Registration Register your copy of AWeb-II!
What's new? Changes since AWeb-II 3.2

Before you begin 

System requirements What you need to run AWeb
Installation How to install AWeb
Tips for low-end Amiga users How to use AWeb with little memory

Getting started 

Overview Jump directly to the relevant section
The GUI What the buttons do
Menus About the menu bar
The browser window About the browser window and its contents
The popup menu Useful functions one mouseclick away
AWeb-II Plugins Supplementary documentation for external programs

Working with AWeb 

Searching for text You can search pages for text
Sending mail Using the built-in mailer
Reading news Using the built-in newsreader
Autosearch Easy use of your favourite search engine
Starting AWeb How to start AWeb from the Workbench or the Shell
Starting your TCP connection Start your connection automatically
Print a document Make a graphical print-out
The network status window Keep an eye on everything going on
The hotlist Remember your favourite links
The hotlist manager Group and order your favourite links
The history window Show previous pages again
User authorization Allow access to privileged pages
Cachebrowser See what files are stored on your harddisk
Cookies All about your privacy
Secure connections Enhancing security using MiamiSSL
JavaScript Enjoying JavaScripted pages

Configuring AWeb 

Settings (general) Introduction to the settings requesters
Browser settings The way pages are shown
Program settings General program settings
GUI settings Functions of the GUI
Network settings The way the network is used
Settings index Quickly find a specific setting
Using your own GUI buttons Replace the button images
Using your own transfer animation Replace the transfer animation
Using your own default images Replace the image icons

Advanced topics 

HTML modes Allow display of buggy pages
Cache usage How the cache is used
ARexx interface Control AWeb from outside
Shell command and ARexx macro interface Start scripts from a mouseclick
Programming in JavaScript AWeb helps you develop your own programs
Extension URLs Special URLs recognized
Overview of supported HTML All HTML tags and attributes
Plugin API Write your own extensions


Common problems ...and their solutions
Release history How AWeb became what it is now
Known bugs Things that don't work as they should
Suggested enhancements What will future versions bring?
Contact If you have questions, remarks, etc.
Acknowledgements The people who helped make AWeb the best browser available